Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I'm No Longer a Blog Virgin!

Hello every body (namely Adam, as you'll probably be the only person to log into my blog, aside from my mum),
So this is the first post onto my brand-spanking new blog. I'm still a little uncertain about what exactly I am required to do, say, show and accomplish, but I'm sure, with time, things will become clearer, (I live in hope).
My experience of the first lecture was, surprisingly, a positive one. I had this preconcieved notion that the course and I would not get along, as, I have realised after browsing 'Communication and New Media' that I am a technophobe. But, I actually found the concepts and philosophys explored in chapters one, two and three ultimately overwhelming, but also interesting and eye opening. I had this idea that we would be expected to be wizz kids with technology, and that the course would be more logical/technical and a lot less conceptual.
The first lecture and few chapters of the text book made me re-evaluate my previous defintions of technology and communication, and how detailed the two subjects actually are. When I say this i mean, technology isn't merely computer, Television, Mp3 player, but has a whole lot of facets, for example, the processes and protocal that is explored to be able to get to the stage of being able to create new technology. Not only this, but the impacts the new technology will have on the economic, social/political aspects of the world. And as far as communication is concerned, I liked the way Steve took the concept of this back to the basics and slowly complicated it with its other dimensions. Not only is communication the process of telling one person information you wish to share, but it also represents so much more, ie the subjectivity of what is communicated and thus, often turning the information communicated into something that is intertextualised (as the listener brings into the communicated information their own experiences or opinions). But you already know all this.
I never gave technology and its importance in communication enough credit for its role in the world, which, I guess is pretty selective/naive of me! And I so didn't think there were so many academics spending their lives analysing and examining its impacts and power, also naive!
Well, that's it for now, hope I'm on the ball with what we should be blogging.
Till next time.